American Hanoverian Society / American Rhineland Studbook Inspection

Horse Registration Categories
**REGISTRATION NOTE** Two separate forms are required 1) Hilltop Farm Registration and 2) AHS/ARS Online Registration Form. You must also send in the Liability Waiver, Coggins, and Flu/Rhino Vaccines.
Stallion Licensing: Stallions ages 3 & older may be presented to the AHS for licensing. Any interested stallion owners must contact AHS for eligibility verification and Hilltop for health requirements specific to stallions. As an alternative to this summer inspection, the NA Stallion Sport Test also provides a licensing option with the AHS each year.
Mare Studbook Inspection: All mares who meet the necessary pedigree requirements and are three years and older may register for this class to enter the AHS/ARS studbooks. A mare must be approved in the AHS/ARS studbooks to have her foal registered. One can have a mare & her foal inspected in the same year.
Performance Testing: All horses age 3 years and older are eligible for performance testing. There are two options for testing – the first is the traditional Performance Test consisting of both freejumping and an undersaddle evaluation. An overall score of 7 or higher is required as a pre-requisite for a Mare’s Premium status. Since 2024, the option for a dressage-only performance test (no freejumping) is also available. Mares must score an over 7.25 in this test to qualify for Premium status. NEW IN 2025: All genders, including COP horses, may participate in either of the performance test options.
Foal Inspection: All current year foals may participate in the foal inspection including Certificate of Pedigree foals. Each foal’s dam must be entered in the AHS/ARS studbook and the sire must be a licensed/approved sire for the foal to be eligible for branding.
AHS/ARS Futurity: Â The AHS/ARS Futurity is open to AHS/ARS registered yearling colts and fillies and two-year old colts and fillies. Complete judging details can be found on the AHS/ARS websites. Â Horses will be shown on the triangle; yearlings will be shown in a halter, two-year olds will be shown in a bridle. They may not be turned loose, but a second round is permitted if needed. Participants must pre-register with the AHS/ARS offices just like they do for the inspection.
NEW FOR 2025 – PONIES: With the opening of the American Hanoverian Riding Pony Studbook, pony mares, stallions, and foals are now eligible for inspection and inclusion in AHS inspections. Contact the AHS office, or Natalie, to learn more about eligibility and requirements.
For more information, visit the American Hanoverian Society.
Tentative Schedule
August 3 – Tentative Schedule
8:00am Inspection Start
Performance Tests
Mares without Foals
Mares with Foals